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Logo 013022.tif

The Global Newborn Society aims to help reduce neonatal morbidity and mortality. Babies do not talk, or vote, and so, need help. This is a long page - we present our logo here in all its detail. The central themes of all the paragraphs below are listed, highlighted in red font.

The child art in this logo shows a lovable little infant exuding innocent, genuine happiness. The smile on the infant's face engages readers; evolutionary and psychological adaptations evoke positive emotions in caregivers. The artist has tried to convey an important message by showing this baby with no skin color and non-specific facial features. Infants need care, all over the world.                   


In our logo, we broke with tradition and designed a human-centered, conceptual/editorial illustration instead of a more conventional linear or geometric drawing. This graphic presents our philosophy in a rational, comprehensive fashion; access to computers has brought a paradigm shift - a "copy and paste" is now all it takes to reproduce a depiction. There are more details. 

Infancy should ideally be a pleasant phase, but life can also bring challenges. We need to improve awareness, education, and possibly, develop mass-scale genetic screening programs. The first look at this logo baby evokes love and affection but a closer inspection may show features that could possibly be abnormal and trigger anxiety. Please click below for details.

The environment
can be difficult. The vulnerability of young infants can be seen in this logo in being alone in an open boat floating in an ocean. The light blue sky looks pleasant during good health but could appear featureless and lonely during periods of crisis. The boat looks stable. The
initialisms, the G, N, and S, are our pillars of strength: Global coordination, Newborn health, and Social organization. The ocean waves in this painting too deep or worrisome. Some experts saw a musical beauty in these ripples. However, if these same waves were to collide in the deeper, dark blue oceanic waters, there could be dangerous turbulence.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Finally, a word about emotions. The red boat signifies our affection for the baby. There was no noticeable marine corrosion, suggesting that family-centered care can optimize health care processes. And last, the message "Every Baby Counts" just below the waterline shows our social philosophy. We are committed to philanthropy, and if needed, to altruism that does not always need to be visible. 

This logo, a work of art, was a gift from Dr. Rachana Singh. She, and others who have tried to interpret it, have been inspirational. Quoting from Shakespeare (Sebastian, 12th Night, Act III, Scene 3), we
can no other answer make but thanks, and thanks, and ever thanks (L1505)!

If you'd like to read this passage without interruptions, please click here...

©2024 Global Newborn Society, "Every Baby Counts"

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